Introduction  |  | Academic Exchange is an important function of Geological Society of China. Over the years,Geological Society of China has actively established academic exchange platforms closely around geoscience frontiers and disciplinary development at home and abroad, which has driven the geological science and technology progress of China, expanded the influence of Chinese geology in the world and made contributions to economic and social development. Major brand academic conferences include: |
学术交流是中国地质学会的一项重要职能,历年来紧密围绕国内外地学前沿和学科发展趋势,积极搭建学术交流平台,推动了我国地质科技进步,扩大了中国地学界在国际上的影响力,为经济社会发展作出了贡献。主要的品牌学术会议包括: |
 | ➤Annual Meeting of GSC  |  | It is a classical and significant academic conference held every two years by the Geological Society of China. As a cross-department, cross-industry and cross-specialty academic exchange event, the annual conference of GSC gathers experts and scholars in geological prospecting industry across the country, providing an academic exchange platform for geologists, especially the young geologists, thus endowed with great significance. Previous conferences have been well received by geoscientific and technological workers in China. |
中国地质学会学术年会是由中国地质学会主办的一项品牌性学术活动,每两年举办一届。学术年会是聚集全国地勘行业相关领域的专家学者的学术交流活动,是跨部门、跨行业、跨专业的学术交流盛会,是为地质工作者特别是年轻地质工作者提供的一个学术交流平台,意义重大。历届学术年会深受中国广大地质科技工作者的欢迎。 |
 | ➤World Chinese Geological Congress  |  | To strengthen the learning exchange among global Chinese in the field of Geoscience, and boost the development of geological science and technology, the Geological Society of China, the International Professionals for the Advancement of Chinese Earth Sciences, the Overseas Chinese Earth Science & Technology Association, the Geological Society of Hong Kong, the Department of Geosciences of National Taiwan University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica jointly launched the World Chinese Geological Congress ( formerly known as the Symposium on Geological Science across the Taiwan Straits) in 1995. Since 1998, the Congress has been successfully held for nine sessions in Beijing, the Stanford University, the University of Hong Kong, Nanjing University, the Longtan Science Park, Chifeng in Inner Mongolia, Chengdu University of Technology, Taipei, and Changchun in Jinlin Province. Now it has been an important academic exchange medium for the Chinese scholars in the field of geosciences all around the world. |
为加强全球华人地学领域学习交流,推动地质科技进步与发展,中国地质学会、中国地球科学促进会、海外华人地质科学与技术协会、香港地质学会、台湾大学地质科学系、台湾中研院地球科学学院于1995年联合发起了世界华人地质科学研讨会(原名称为“海峡两岸学术交流会”),从1998年开始,陆续在北京、美国斯坦福大学、香港大学、南京大学、台湾龙潭科学园区、内蒙古赤峰、成都理工大学、台北和吉林长春成功联合举办了九届,现已成为全球华人地学领域有重要影响力的学术交流活动。 |
 | ➤National Engineering Geology Conference  | It is a national academic conference hosted by the Geological Society of China and organized by Engineering Geology Commission of GSC. The session theme encircles with the characters of the organizer and the problems on engineering geology remaining in the region where the organizer is located. The session durates for two days, with about eight themes and invited reports, sixty section talks, and also special assemblies for academic reports by outstanding youth. The conference held every four years, whose themes are in a wide range, invites authorities and scholars not only from the present field, but also from the adjacent disciplines, such as tectonics, geomorphy, lithomechanics. It consists of nearly 100 groups, and some mini symposia, and special assemblies for academic reports by outstanding youth, containing 1000-1200 participants. |
全国工程地质大会是由中国地质学会主办、工程地质专业委员会承办的全国性学术会议。每年的年会主题都围绕承办单位的特色和所在区域工程地质问题来确定,会期2天,设置8个左右的邀请报告,60个左右分组报告以及优秀青年学术报告专场。每4年一次的大会,涵盖的主题较为宽泛,不仅邀请本领域的权威学者也邀请相邻学科的权威学者作主题报告,会议人数1200左右。现已成为工程地质领域有重要影响力的学术会议。 |
 | ➤National Mineral Deposit Conference  | It is a national academic conference hosted by the Geological Society of China and organized by Commission on Mineral Deposit Geology of GSC. It obediences to the faith of effectively servicing Major national strategy, implementing Strategy of innovation-driven development in an all-round way, for the purpose of setting up a platform for academic communication to discuss fully new achievements, new theories, new technology gained in the research of ore deposit geology, mineral exploration and relevant disciplines, to improve each other by active discussion, to reach rapidly major ore prospecting breakthrough, to improve the level of exploration and exploitation of resources in China, to enhance the capacity of resource security, to promote geological prospecting industry to greater achievements. The main participants are experts and students from institutes, universities and colleges, geological exploration units, mining companies, governments around the mineral deposit field. In recent five years, the conference attracted 1500 persons or so per year, making itself a banquet of the mineral deposit field. |
全国矿床大会是由中国地质学会主办、矿床地质专业委员会承办的全国性学术会议。会议秉承有效服务国家重大战略,全面落实创新驱动发展战略的理念,每两年举办一次,目的是搭建一个学术交流平台,以利于充分研讨及交流在矿床学、找矿勘查及相关学科研究中取得的新成果、新理论和新技术,共同切磋、相互学习,以快速实现重大找矿突破,提高我国资源勘探开采水平,增强我国资源保障能力,推动中国地质找矿事业取得更大成就。参会人员主要来自中国矿床学界的各大研究院所、大专院校、地勘单位、矿业公司和政府部门的专家及学生,参会人数在1500人左右,已成为全国矿床学界的盛会。 |
 | ➤International Geological Congress  |  | Formed in 1876, it is an academic event every four years for the geoscientists allaround the world, having been held for 37 times. The 30th International Geological Congress was held successfully in Beijing in August 1996,the Chinese geoscientists put great importance to the congress. The Geological Society of China is in charge of organizing Chinese geological delegation, collecting excellent geological papers allaround the country, publishing proceedings, recommending famous experts for session convenors, preparing for the Chinese exhibition booth to show the latest achievementsin the Chinese geoscience and technology, and taking an active part in recommending outstanding Chinese geologists to run for the Executive Committee of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). Mr. Cheng Qiuming is the current chairman of IUGS and the IUGS secretariat has been moved and located in China. |
国际地质大会于1876年创立,是每四年举办一届的国际地质学家的学术盛会,至今已举办了37届。第30届国际地质大会曾于1996年8月在北京成功召开。历届国际地质大会的召开中国地质学家都极为重视,由中国地质学会负责组成中国地质代表团,在全国范围内征集地学领域优秀论文、出版论文集、推荐知名专家担任分会场召集人、设立中国展台展示中国最新地质科技成果,并积极推荐中国杰出地质学家参选国际地质科学联合会(IUGS)执委会委员。国际地科联秘书处现落户中国。 |