| Introduction  |
The Geological Society of China (GSC), founded in Beijing on February 3rd, 1922, is one of the earliest academic groups establish in China, and an academic science and technology association composed of scientific workers in the geological prospecting industry, with more than 90,000 members. As a 4A social organization and a member of the International Union of Geological Sciences, the GSC is administrated by China Association for Science and Technology, and affiliated to Ministry of Natural Resources of the People's Republic of China. The office is located in the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences. |
中国地质学会于1922年2月3日在北京成立,翁文灏、章鸿钊、丁文江、李四光等26位学者为发起人,章鸿钊为首任会长,谢家荣为首任秘书长,是中国最早建立的学术团体之一,为中国地质科技工作者组成的学术性科技社团,现拥有9万多名会员。业务主管单位是中国科学技术协会,支撑单位是中华人民共和国自然资源部,办事机构设在中国地质科学院。中国地质学会是中国4A级社会团体,是国际地质科学联合会最高级别会员组织。 |